... something about a stuffed owl. Tyche, Ceallach and a few others got to the final rounds but I didn't know the final winner.
We then got a sneak preview of the upcoming "Direct to Video" release of "Hercules and Xena" the animated feature. Though animated film was not ready or available we saw some of the drawings and some video of Lucy Lawless singing. We asked if Kevin was going to be singing too. The Lady giving the presentation didn't know if Kevin could sing, but thought that singing didn't quite fit the character. We, the crowd, disagreed rather forcefully and shouted out such illuminating statements as "YES HE CAN", "HE CAN PLAY THE GUITAR TOO", "WE WANT KEVIN";) note: we were screaming;)
Next out were three talented magicians, Kevin Kutchaver, Kevin O'Neill and Doug Beswick of Flat Earth Prod. who presented video clips of their CGI contributions to the shows and gave an informative talk about how they go about it. The time was short but I found it interesting and loved seeing the Echidna model and another that I couldn't identify (maybe the Harpy from "Mortal Beloved"?).
Great fun came next with the Blooper reel. They were indeed Hilarious, some of which you have seen on the Blooper TV show. I would have loved to have seen more, I know they have oodles and have an absolute blast on the set. Over and over I have heard different people who work on or have visited the set speak of the fun atmosphere on H:TLJ, so you know they just have to have a ton of out takes. This is the tape that is part of the Creations H:TLJ fan club packet. One of the high lights of the blooper reel for many of us Sorbonnes was a nice shot of, well Sorbo's buns. In an out take from "Hercules In The Circle of Fire" when Kevin jumps out of bed chasing after Deianeira, grabbing the coverlet to cover his bare backside as he runs out the door... his hands didn't connect with the fabric and he gropes masterfully for the draping fabric as it flaps in the breeze (the fabric) presenting a full view of his gluteus maximus, much to the delight of many in the audience. I foresee this blooper tape will be the main selling point for the H:TLJ fan club.;)
Saroj Selvan
~~Queen of the Amazons~~
~~Keeper of the Entertainments~~
ROTFWKS ..... really!!!
Forum Amazons Absentee Hug Receptacle and Beneficiary
HerKulean Hair Flipping Team - Founding Member - Captain
Keeper of the Mazola
Sorbonne Lace n'Leatherette
KSSS and so on and so forth....
Apollena, Keeper of the Entertainments
These pictures were taken by IRCmommy, Ceallach, MsMoo, Robinsnest and Apollena a far as I know.
Last Update: July 24, 2001
Web Author: Vel Selvan