LA Hercules/Xena Convention 97 Report Page2A

January 10-13 Burbank Hilton Hotel, California
Con Diary - Burbank, CA 1/11/97

SATURDAY - Continued-

With a full somersault, Bruce Campbell made his entrance and the frolicking never stopped until he had completed signing every "Auto"- graph several hours later. He was delightful, playful, handsome and bright. This guy was born to be in front of a crowd and played the audience with perfection and had us in fits of laughter. He began by telling us about how he thought the characters name was pronounced... with emphasis on the first two syllables: Auto as in car, pause... Lye as in caustic materials - Cuss as in swear. He continued to refer to and sign his auto-graphs as Auto. He was a laugh riot and was totally irreverent and treated everyone including the kids with the same acerbic wit. He was asked many times about his X:WP work and particularly the scene where he was in bed, hiding the Arc with Xena on top of him. He had plenty to say about it, all funny.

When pressed why, Bruce said he payed them to have that scene with Lucy. Other interesting bits of info... His next X:WP appearance will be in a dress. When doing the stunt in "Royal Couple of Thieves" he did not really hurt his chin as Xena pulled him down the stairs... "It's called acting! They padded the stairs with foam rubber and added the sound effects later!" Someone asked if he was married. He quickly, hamming it up to the hilt, made to remove his wedding ring and stuck it in his pocket to the delight of the crowd. Someone asked how much he got paid.. he answered (he used this answer a lot) "Go sit down!" Good naturedly of course and all in fun. Small children kept asking if he was going to marry Xena. He answered he didn't think so. When asked who was stronger Xena or Hercules he said tongue in cheek, "HerK is a wimp!". Then went on to say what good friends he and Kevin Sorbo were. He also talked about directing.. He liked bossing around the actors. "Kevin I want you to do this, stand here, say this. Kevin would come in and say, I'm going to walk in and stand here and I'm saying it this way and what size lens are you using a 70 or 75. I only want a 75." Apparently he is not taken as seriously when he directs as he would like to be. It was all said in great fun and the point was that they have a pretty good time when he is involved in any way in the filming.
Here is what I asked Brucie:)

AP: I hear you have a deal with Disney to develop a prime time series for next fall (I got this info from Bruce himself from a bio for an article I wrote). Is there any word on what it will be?
BC: (Laugh) Well, it was a show biz kinda deal. Naw nothing happening on it so far.

We then were herded, a row at a time, to the autograph table. I gave up my photos and said a quick thanks and hello to Robert, he graciously acknowledged me and I was goosed on to Bruce. I handed him the article I had written and reminded him of it. He grabbed it quick (we were told all 'gifts' had to go through Creations) tucking it under the table and promised to get back to me about it. He thanked me and I went back to my seat to await our next guest. When I got home from the Con on Monday night, there in my In Box was a nice thank you from Bruce just like he promised:)

Our boys from SWORDPLAY then put on their demonstration to the great glee of the audience. Tim Weske and the rest of the troop including Pat the Whip Lady, were great. I swear that whip and Tony's came within centimeters of the front row. Luckily I had watched them rehearse and knew when to duck . They gave an exciting and fast paced presentation and were rewarded with thunderous applause.

Rob Tapert was a surprise. I figured he was bright and personable, but he was also cute and very forthcoming about the creation and development of our favorite shows. Out of the mouths of babes... he was asked over and over again if he loved Lucy, was going to marry Lucy, etc. He finally laughingly asked, "Where are your parents?" and "Who told you to ask that?", what a good sport. He blushes pretty good too;) He didn't however give an answer to those questions and proved to be a very good tape dancer of sorts;) Of course Bruce Campbell was a tremendous help, chiming in every time an embarrassing question was asked, from his autograph station. He even bounded up on stage several times to emphasize his teasing. Robert Trebor too was brought into the conversation, when the question included something to do with his performance. I enjoyed Rob's presentation/talk very much. When asked when or IF the 5 HerK movies would be available he answered in the positive that they have been available everywhere else, Europe, England for a long time and they will be released this spring in here. He received a very warm reception. I sure hope the Xenites were able to catch his presentation/talk, it was really interesting and packed with info (not much of which I can recall unfortunately). It was while I was standing in the queue to ask a question that Melite, another long time Amazon sister, introduced herself. I know I asked him a question but I sure can't recall what it was! I was already gearing up for Kevin and my concentration and focus we nowhere to be found.

The Charity Auction was next and to be honest us real die hard Kevin lusters, er, fans, found it very hard to concentrate on it. Two of our group, Lady Pegasus and Angelika were unknowingly bidding against each other on one of HerK's chamois shirts and got the bid up to over the $800.00 mark. Then a guy way in the back upped it over the $1,000 and we groaned as the beloved yellow shirt vest thingie slipped away from our grasp, close but no cigar. I was just shifting in my seat hoping I'd behave and not dishonor my Amazon Sisters.

So there I was, hyperventilating my brains out, and Kevin was introduced. He was easy going, joyful, friendly, unabashedly open and generous covering every square inch of the stage so everyone could have a photo op and a clear look at him. He waved, smiled, blushed and laughed, taking in the pandemonium with as much awe as we emoted. He spoke for several minutes mentioning Michael Hurst and his very close friendship with him but anything else he said - well, don't ask my mind totally shut down. Fortunately some of my fellow Amazons have refreshed my memory. When he first came on stage he explained he had no idea what he was supposed to do or what he was going to be talking about. At that point several people showed their hotel keys. He said, "I have people showing me their hotel keys. What am I supposed to do?" (Laughing) He asked where everyone was from and who came the furthest.

I grabbed a Tic-Tac just in case from Barbarella and somehow came to stand in the queue to ask questions. I was the first in line!!! I have no recollection how I came to be there, but there I was:) So finally Kevin looks over and says... So I guess there are questions and smiles at me. Trying desperately to maintain my composure and equilibrium I said: Hello Kevin, I'm Apollena, Queen of the Amazons (whew, I thought I got that part out all right and he even seemed to understand what I said;). Kevin kind of did a jump and pointing his finger at me and grinning it up said, "I know you! I read your e-mails!!!" At this point there was a burst of applause from my dear supportive Amazons:) Then I said something along the lines of : I wanted to thank you for the Christmas gift, the Golden Globe". He smiled and was looking at all the howling Amazons. "You remember the Golden Globes?" I asked. Yes, he said laughingly (it's a long story about a rumor of a tattoo on his, er, well golden globe as in bottom. We on the forum had a long running thread about trying to kidnap him to verify if he indeed had one, go TTT). Then I said that I had a couple of things to ask. He had to remind me to speak into the mike, I needed cement shoes to stand there I'm telling you.

I asked, "First what scenes in H:TLJ were the most difficult emotionally and physically for him to do?" I only remember half his answer cause he was looking right at me with those baby blues and my mind was somewhere over the rainbow. He said the hardest scene emotionally was in "The Other Side" when he goes into the Elysian Fields and is reunited with his family. He said... It was when I saw my family, thinking they were dead and I'd never see them again. I picked up my little daughter and well, it was the hardest emotionally. I'm sure he answered the other part to my question but like I said I was floating about 5 feet in the air about this time and my concentration was coming and going.

Then I did it. I decided that I wanted a hug. That all the Amazons who couldn't be here deserved a hug and that I should collect on all the hugs Kevin always sends, on his letters, gifts and autographs... So I asked. Kevin, I said, on behalf of all the forum Amazons who couldn't be here today... Kevin turned to the audience and asked, "Do you mean there are net forum Amazons here?" and the place exploded with shouts, cries and applause, Amazons bounced to the ceiling! I started again as things quieted, "On behalf of all the Amazons who couldn't be here today, I have been authorized to collect on all the hugs and kisses you have been sending us. Well, Kevin got a huge grin and nodding his head he motioned with his hands to come up on the stage. He may have said "Oh all right" or something but to be honest I was concentrating on getting one foot in front of the other. He took me into his arms and gave me a most wonderful, love filled hug. It was heaven and that's all I can say about it except he was tender and smelled fresh and clean. I patted his back a bit and said, Kevin you are a sweetheart and he sighed in my ear:) He is so sweet and he smiled back down to me (I'm 5'7" and he made me feel petite;) as I thanked him. Then I turned and (thank goodness for the guy helping me off the stage) tripped back to my seat to the applause of the audience. When I got to my row Hebea turned in her seat and said something, I heard her voice but not the words, to let me pass and CarlD and Kevin's hometown friend said something like, you can just float over us cause you look like you're about 5' off the ground anyway. I managed to get to my seat and everyone was congratulating me for not fainting I think;) It was a real dream come true.

Some of the questions included are you married? He smiled and shuffled around and said, "Well, no, I'm still single." How many girls have you kissed, asked by a youngster, caused him to walk to the far side of the stage shaking his head and trying to figure out how to answer this little guy. He turned and walked back towards him answering, "more than you"... and under his breath, .. about 4, 832 (or something along those lines). He got a lot of laughs and the kid got a hug. Kevin gave each child (some were well over 30) a nice hug and some special attention. Talking all their questions seriously and trying to answer them honestly, not patronizingly. He was also asked if he loved Xena. He really tried to separate his character from himself, explaining that Hercules and Xena were now just really good friends and that he and Lucy rarely see each other, both being so busy with their respective shows. To be honest most of the people just wanted to tell Kevin how much they enjoyed the show and get a hug. He even led a sing-a-long of "Happy Birthday" for one woman. The questions were repetitive or inane for the most part. I noticed that this happened to Lucy as well. I was very appreciative for the few intelligent questions that were asked in both cases.

Somehow we got through the rest of the questions and answers and Kevin left the stage. He was going to sign autographs next, after a bit (he had an interview with ET backstage). Row A arose and the autographing began, row by row, golden circle reserved seating first. I felt so sorry for the general admission (that would be me tomorrow:(. Olympiana came and pulled me aside as they started to move my row into position, to tell me that we, the fan club, would have a few short minutes with Kevin when the autograph session was finished.

~~~~It is here I wish to make a most SINCERE APOLOGY. IF, and I know there were some, fan club members who did not get the word about this spare of the moment meeting, who were in the general admission seats or for what ever reason I was unable to get word to you that this meeting was taking place and you missed this opportunity, I MOST SINCERELY APOLOGIZE. I tried to pass the word along and have others do so too, but it was not security-wise safe (for Kevin) to make an announcement over the PA to the crowd. It may have started a mass panic, there were control problems enough for the security people as the time began running out and only 20 people at a time were allowed to go up for autographs. Kevin graciously (as did the other actors who signed at the Con) stayed until every single person who wanted an autograph got one.~~~~

I had been busily trying to coordinate between Olympiana and the head of security how we, the fan club, would get back to where we were suppose to be with out causing a stampede or crush. We gathered the troops in the first few rows and waited what seemed like hours. We talked, joked and released our nervous steam by creating a new department of study for Deb. U. (and no it doesn't stand for Debutante and it rhymes with archery, kind of!). The Official HerK Hair Flipping Team, myself later voted as the captain (cause I'm the Queen and for no other reason as my hair was not the longest nor the curliest nor the shiniest), made several attempts at capturing the 'HerK Flip' on film ala the Access Hollywood shot of Kevin doing the same thing. He says on that segment "I'll show you the HerK Flip but then, of course, I'll have to kill you":) I'm confident only MsMoo's video (done later at the Hoolie) will turn out, but that didn't stop us from doing it several times. Finally we were shown back to the Vine Room, the 'Green Room/Waiting Room', and we milled about a bit wondering what would happen. Olympiana said there would be time to have our picture taken with Kevin and that was about it. He had stayed far longer than his itinerary allowed and we were very lucky to have Olympiana push for this. So the Field Marshall, yours truly, with her Queenly voice mustered the troops into formation (I got everyone to stand like a glee club or choir at different levels so everyone could be seen) then plopped myself on the floor in front and waited for Kevin. I took this opportunity to introduce Olympiana to everyone, in case they didn't know who she was and to thank her publicly for all the fan club members and fans of Kevin for doing so much and sharing so much with and for us all. Meantime, IRCMommy and JoBeth were trying out the different cameras to see which lens could get us all in the shot.

IN WALKS KEVIN! Again the Amazons made me proud to be in their number, they stood and cheered Kevin. They didn't rush him, grab for him or put him in any danger of bodily harm (which we totally could have done there were about 50 of us;) He stood kind of shaking his head in disbelief and grinned, touched his hair and got a little red in the cheeks. He then asked this army of Amazons "Where do you want me?" and proceeded to climb into the middle of the bunch, spreading his arms out and touching, holding and reaching as many as possible. The Amazons reached to caress his hair, shoulders, anything that was him and they could get too. Gently and graciously he stood there and let them, all the while smiling nicely for the pictures and chatting it up to those lucky few who could still speak coherently. His comment during this time was a classic "Boy it's hot in here" or something like that. Then he stepped out of the crowd and walked up to the front and threw himself down on the floor right in front of me, his head right there in my lap:) Olympiana jumped in on the other side and grabbed Kevin's leg and a great pose was made:) Gazelle was right next to me a bit behind me and we were talking to Kevin and I couldn't help myself I had to stroke that silky hair. Unconsciously I fondled his hair all the time we were talking and taking pictures, I don't remember it but apparently there are witnesses, with pictures;) No one, including Kevin wanted the meeting to end. He graciously hugged some, accepted gifts from others and tried very much to make eye contact and connect with everyone there in that room, despite the rush he was getting from his 'people'(who were very kind really, they were just worried about other scheduled events he was obviously very late for by this time). He went out into the hall for one last photo op with the Creations people and a few more hugs. Then he was off. We spent a bit of time in the room, reminding each other that it really happened, then most left for Lady Pegasus' Hoolie in the Pasadena Room.

I went back to the fan club table and helped Mary, Joy, Tyche and Olympiana get things secured and to get a box of goodies ready to go back to the fan club headquarters. We got them loaded into the car and Olympiana came up to my room for a few precious minutes to talk and pick up several H:TLJ promo posters that Stephanie (TaurusRat and brand new KSFC member:) had generously donated to the fan club. We got to sit and chat for some time, finally, after working so hard over the last year on making the fan club a good one, a fan club worthy of Kevin. Too soon she had to leave, flying back home on the red eye. I am so happy she was able to get here and be the catalyst that made our meeting with Kevin possible.

I floated down to the Hoolie catching the last seconds of the KTLA interview with Kevin (anyone want to send me a copy?) and starving. Thank the gods there was some food left, I ate while MsMoo filmed.... how attractive, me chowing down like it's the last piece of teriyaki chicken on the planet Thank you so much Lady Pegasus and MsPooh for the fun party. I met the gallant Democratus and his young nephew Dwind'l though I didn't have the time to really visit much what with a renewed round of hair flipping and the honor of making an exciting announcement on behalf of Starseeker. I also got to talk with SueB/Susann on the phone, we must have woken her up but she listened to my crazed ramblings very politely.

I headed back to the Memorial Wing at the Bar for an ale, my whistle was dry and my voice was fading. Some of our favorite Xenites filtered through, Cathbad it was a pleasure meeting you!, CarlD please forgive me trampling over your feet all day at the con, but anyone between me and Kevin ... well I know you understand;) Sal_Fan, I love you man, when you told Robert you WERE Sal_Fan you made his day! Penth I would have loved to have spent much more time with you and with Lilac and well the list is nearly endless. I remember having a beer with Ru Emerson and chatting into the night, making my way up to my room one very tired, happy, contented Amazon Queen.

Saroj Selvan
~~Queen of the Amazons~~
~~Keeper of the Entertainments~~
ROTFWKS ..... really!!!
Forum Amazons Absentee Hug Receptacle and Beneficiary
HerKulean Hair Flipping Team - Founding Member - Captain
Keeper of the Mazola
Sorbonne Lace n'Leatherette
KSSS and so on and so forth....

Apollena, Keeper of the Entertainments

These pictures were taken by IRCmommy, Ceallach, MsMoo, Robinsnest and Apollena a far as I know.

Last Update: July 24, 2001
Web Author: Vel Selvan