Horoscope For Michael Hurst


Michael Hurst ... born 9-20-57

Astrological Aspects Profile
Sun in Virgo, Moon in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Virgo, Jupiter in Libra, Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Leo and Neptune in Scorpio

Sun in Virgo - Moon in Leo
You are a person of unquestioned character and absolute devotion to duty. Whatever rebellious resentments may enter your heart they never swing you from the path that you consider right and honorable. You are thus capable of being imposed upon, for if you can be made to feel that you have an obligation, you will never turn back without fulfilling it. Your inner worth frequently has difficulty in finding adequate return in the outer world. You are not good at managing people, and the executive places into which your sense of obligation or duty works you may prove too much for you. You have plenty of faith in yourself, but you have little faith in your ability to make other people see and appreciate your worth. You are likely to resign yourself to being misunderstood and frustrated. Thus you do not go out to create your own opportunities and are likely to pass up opportunities that come your way through fear that you won't be able to make good. And all the time, underneath, you have a burning sense of your own competence that you have great difficulty in bringing to the surface. You should force yourself to be independent, to take responsibility, to grasp opportunity and to make the other fellow appreciate you. You rely too much on your character, your worth, your conscientiousness being regarded, for you have a naive faith in human nature which even years of hard blows do not completely destroy, and you have a hard time learning the ways of the world. You continue to believe that if you do right by your job you will be rewarded and are dismayed and confused when less worthy, more guileful people go by you. In a man's chart, aggressiveness is required - less faith in the reward of the just and more push. Speaking coldly and practically, you could do with less character and more guile, with some method that would make your worth known. You tend to hide your light under a bushel. With Sun conjunct Mars, as in this chart, you have more aggressiveness and there is a likelihood of considerable success.

Moon conjunct Uranus
You are one of the outstanding people of your circle. You are a character, with markedly individualistic traits, original, fearless in thought and expression, a trifle eccentric, uncompromising independent. Given a choice of two modes of conduct, a usual and an unusual, you will unhesitatingly select the unusual, the unconventional, the aggressive. You lean to the bizarre, the revolutionary, the daring so that in a constructive, creative, or executive horoscope, you become an important person, respected for your intelligence and authority and somewhat feared because no one ever knows what you are likely to do next. So idealistic and expansive is your mental outlook that money is of secondary importance to you, although you know how to spend it - or rather, how not to hang onto it. You are emotionally erratic, sure to have a large fund of experience and some difficulty in marriage through the outbursting of your temperament. In a man's horoscope you are sure to have at least one wife who will bring out the worst of this configuration. You run to odd, strange, unconventional associates, and will probably at some time link yourself with the oddest and most intractable person you can find. This position gives you tense nerves, and a continuous strain seems to be on you so that, unless controlled and guided, your health suffers from nervous ailments that can amount to neurosis. Your intellectual potentialities are tremendous and depend for their development on your control of the eccentric, erratic, emotional and nervous elements in your nature which are so destructive to integrated progress. There is some interest in the obscure and out-of-the-way subjects, occult rather than metaphysical.

Sun conjunct Mars
Little boys and girls with this aspect are generally know as 'fresh kids' and more likely than not they never get over it. You are marked by a certain audacity - you speak out your mind at the drop of a hat - and not very tactfully either. You don't know the meaning of the word fear, either in a physical or a mental sense. You will attack a roaring lion bare handed, or endeavor to debate a legal point with a Supreme Court justice - all with the same aggressive assurance in your own ability. This is admirable, but it isn't always good sense. You come in for a good many trimmings both verbal and other wise, through an unwise selection of opponents, and throughout life you have to be careful of trying to push over stone walls with your head. You're the kid who wouldn't holler Uncle no matter how your arm was being twisted. You ill have to curb aggressiveness which can range from mere cockiness to downright egomania. You have abundant energies both mental and physical. It is too bad if your abilities are lost through antagonism, or your powers dissipated in temper. Self-control should be your constant aim in both personal and business matters and you should remember when you are tempted to do or say something bold that 'fools rush in where angels fear to tread'. Your vigorous personality and quick mind will carry you far when you have learned to overcome the quirks of your own nature. You will rule the marriage roost.

Venus conjunct Neptune
You are artistic, ultra-romantic, and impressionable. You fascinate others with a kind of other-worldly charm. There is something ethereal about you that isn't completely explained by your appearance, which doubtless is handsome or beautiful, depending on your sex. To men this gives a grace and charm of appearance and manner that is especially acceptable to women. You have to look out that your own charms don't run away with you for there's a touch of sensationalism here, and an 'all-for-love-and-the-world-well-lost' attitude that makes your emotions dangerous. You play hunches with respect to people, staking everything on your first impressions which can be woefully wrong. You are attracted by the unusual rather than by the sound in human beings, and can get mixed up with odd creatures if you let yourself go. You react rapidly to sense impressions and also to alcohol and drugs, which awaken the least desirable side of your emotional nature, for under your idealism there's a thick strata of earth. This position aids creative power, and with other indications of concentrative and artistic ability lends appeal and assists recognition.

Jupiter trine Saturn
You have in this aspect the best possible insurance against want and poverty for no matter how bad things may be, you always seem to get what you need. When everyone else is broke you can fish a dollar out of some place. In a similar way, when you're broke, someone or something will come to your rescue. Even in an otherwise weak horoscope this aspect is so strong that it takes the edge from the worst cuts of life, holding up your head and your fortunes, and giving you, in varying degrees, dignity and security which by careful and conservative expenditures you can make into wealth. You are an excellent manager of funds and can stretch a dollar to the limit without being penurious or petty. You simply know how to get your money's worth and being utterly fair and honorable, are just as willing to give fair value when you're on the selling end. You won't fleece others, and you won't be fleeced yourself. You can deal with large numbers of people and having an eminent sense of justice in abstract as well as practical matters, you make a fine judge, minister, social worker or executive. Whether you are prominent and powerful or quiet and reserved, your character wins you respect and a certain prestige and authority in whatever sphere you move. This is an aspect of maturity and may not be felt before the thirtieth year in any except the security sense. Under it you will develop steadily and forcefully as you grow older and in middle and later life feel the stability that you derive from these two powerful planets.

Last Update: July 24, 2001
Web Author: Vel Selvan ... Content by Apollena